
Die 6. Digitize!-Befragungswelle startet am 1. März!

Public Value Assessment Tool online!

Barbara Prainsack, Seliem El-Sayed and Connor Hogan (work package 8) will conduct a workshop on Assessing data uses to advance data solidarity



Die 5. Befragungswelle startet Mitte September 2023!



Dimitri Prandner (AP5) hat gemeinsam mit Heinz Leitgöb und Tobias Wolbring ein "Thinkpiece" zum Thema Big Data & Sociology herausgegeben.

A Handy Visual Guide for researchers who are at the early stages of their academic careers, or lacking adequate background knowledge in social science...

Wir freuen uns Connor Hogan als neuen Mitarbeiter im Digitize!-Team willkommen heißen zu können!

Start der 4. Befragungswelle im März 2023!

Beitrag von Digitize! zur aktuellen Semesterfrage 'Was macht Digitalisierung mit der Demokratie?'

Feldstart der dritten Befragung Mitte November!

Assessing Public Value: A Tool for Structured Assessment, developed by Seliem El-Sayed & Barbara Prainsack


Der MOOC Computational Social Science erfolgreich abschlossen und ab 1.10.22 online auf imoox!

New Digitize! Post Doc Researcher

Katharina Pfaff will be the new Digitize! post doc researcher from September 1st, succeeding Daniel Weitzel.

We are very happy about the new project team member Katharina Pfaff, who, after several years of experience at the University of Vienna University of Economics and Business is now changing to the Digitize! team to take over and continue the successful scientific work for Digitize!.

New Digitize! project coordinator

Julia Barta will be the new Digitize! project coordinator from May 1st, succeeding Katharina Götsch.

After many successful years in project coordination at the University of Vienna, Katharina Götsch left the team to start in a new area of ​​activity. We wish Katharina Götsch all the best with her new challenge and thank her for many years of good cooperation!

We are very happy about the new project coordinator Julia Barta, who, after several years of experience at the University of Vienna and in project administration, is now changing to the Digitize! team to take over and continue the successful project coordination.

Digitize! News from the team

Seliem El-Sayed will be interning at the Ethics and Society Team at DeepMind in London over the course of the summer. DeepMind, an Alphabet subsidiary, is a research laboratory producing some of the most ground-breaking research in Artificial Intelligence. Researchers at DeepMind have published thousands of papers in journals including Nature and Science. Recently, for instance, they have been able to achieve significant progress in contributing to solving the protein-folding problem.

We wish Seliem all the best for his time in London and are looking forward to his return in fall. 

Digitize! in Podcast Ars Aequi (episode 6)

Check out how the Digitize! project is presented by Filip Paspalj and Seliem El-Sayed in this new podcast!

The Podcast Ars Aequi. Law and Technology is hosted by Paul Eberstaller (himself a Digitize! team member) and Tima Otu Anwana from the Department for Innovation and Digitalisation in Law (University of Vienna, Digitize! partner and lead of WP 7). At the crossroads of law and digital technologies, the two hosts regularly discuss the newest topics such as "fake news", "revenge porn" or - as in Episode 6 - the department's ongoing research projects.

Enjoy listening and learning about Digitize! from Seliem and Filip!

Digitize! MOOC

May 2021

In 2022, the Digitize! project will produce and publish its own MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in cooperation with the digitalisation project iMOOX and the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Vienna!

Currently, the Digitize! team is preparing the first draft concept for this free online course.

We are looking forward to this great collaboration and will keep you updated!

Meeting with universities of Vienna, Linz, Graz and Salzburg

March 25, 2021

In Work Package 2, survey experts and researchers discuss the design and set-up of the Digitize! panel.

New publication by Seliem El-Sayed and Barbara Prainsack in Harvard Data Science Review

Blue Chips and White Collars: Whose Data Science Is It?


Working Group Data & Social Sciences

On January 22, 2021, this indisciplinary working group meets for a virtual exchange between social scientists and data scientists.

The Objective of the Digitize! group is to advance, (newly) develop, test and implement innovative data science techniques for analysing social research data (such as survey data or text data).